Question: What is an antonym?
Answer: Antonym is a word having opposite meaning.
Question: How many letters are there of English alphabets?
Answer: There are 26 letters of English alphabets.
Question: What is a phoneme?
Answer: The smallest unit of sound is called a phoneme. The sound of a word
Which you utter is called a phoneme.
Question: Define a dictionary.
Answer: A dictionary is a book that not only lists and records the words of a
Language but it also tells you how speakers of the language spell,
Pronounce, define, explain, and use the words of their language.
Question: What are vowels?
Answer: Vowels are sounds produced without any obstruction in the mouth.
Question: How are phonemic symbols shown in a dictionary?
Answer: Phonemic symbols are given in slash brackets in the dictionary. / /
Question: What is a diphthong vowel?
Answer: A diphthong vowel is the sound which is produced by combining two
vowel sounds. In diphthongs, there is a movement or glide from one
vowel sound to another.
Moreover, there are 8 diphthong vowels in English.
Question: What is a consonant sound?
Answer: A consonant is a sound which is articulated with some obstruction in the
Question: What is stress?
Answer: Stress is the extra force, used in pronunciation or speaking, on a
particular word. A dictionary indicates stress by a tiny mark on top of a
Question: What is the topic of a paragraph?
Answer: The topic of a paragraph is the subject of the whole paragraph. It tells
what the whole paragraph is about.It can usually be expressed in a word
or two.
Question: What are connectives?
Answer: Connectives are links which are made by conjunctions that join ideas into
some kind of relationship within text. These words or phrases are also
known as transitional markers that connect ideas together. They
• result
• contrast
• illustration
• cause and effect
• a series/time sequence
• addition
Question: What is phonetics?
Answer: Phonetics is the precise study of human speech sounds - how they are
produced, how they are transmitted and how they are heard.
Question: What is phonology?
Answer: Phonology is the broader study of major speech sounds, and their
organisation, in a particular language.
Question: What is a prefix, stem and suffix?
Answer: The stem of a word is its basic form, the fundamental element which is
common to all the other forms of a word.
A prefix is a form which is fixed to to the beginning of a stem;
A suffix is a form which is fixed to the end of a stem. e.g. in the word
Stem = measure
Suffix = able
Prefix = im