Google+ COMPUTER TRICKS, TWEAKS AND TUTORIALS: CS 101 few long question

CS 101 few long question

What is the out put of the following JavaScript code ?                                                    1 marks
             name=”Ali Akbar”;
             document.write(name.charAt(4))  ;

What does TCP/IP stand for?                                                                                                   1 marks

What is spreadsheet? List any two jobs that it can do.                                                   2 marks

What is an intelligent system?                                                                                        2 marks

Explain how many ways businesses monitor their employees?                                        3 marks

Differentiate between 'switch' and 'if-else' statement.                                                      3 marks

Write down three advantages of using Functions in a program.                                       3 marks

What is the difference between Database and Database Management System (DBMS)?            5 marks

Briefly describe the guidelines for layout of presentations                                                            5 marks

Write down the output of the following lines of JavaScript code?                                                10 marks

a) <script type="text/javascript">

b) <script type="text/javascript">
var name="Muhammad Abdul Bashir"

c) <script type="text/javascript">
var str="This is my test string"
d) <script type="text/javascript">
var str="VU Learning Management System "
document.write(str.indexOf("system")+"<br />")
e) <script type="text/javascript">
var str="Virtual University of Pakistan"

What is the function of Network Interface Card ?                                                                                  01 Marks

What are the types of computer network according to the distance between nodes ?                  01 Marks

Define the term Aliasing in computer graphics.                                                                           02 Marks

What is an intelligent system?                                                                                                    02 Marks

Where "While" loop is more  preferable than "For" loop and vice versa ? , explain with the help of example.
03 Marks

What are the Sub categories of Artificial Intelligence? Briefly explain any two.                            03 Marks

Write JavaScript code to convert the number 236.2363611111556into currency format and JavaScript statement to show output.                                                                                                                                      03 Marks

Write the difference between Wisdom and Heuristic?                                                                05 Marks

Write JavaScript code for the following:                                                                                                05 Marks

Make a function compareWithTen(value)
Compare the function argument with ‘10’ and display a message whether the value is less than, equal to or greater than 10.

Answer the following questions by looking at the code given below.                                           10 Marks

1-     Which alert box will be displayed if variable 'marks' has value 75?
2-     What is the range of the marks when the alert box displays the message “Average performance”?
3-     What is the range of the marks when the alert box displays the message “That's poor performance”?
4-     Which alert box will be displayed if variable 'marks' has the value 100?

1.  if (marks == 100)
2.     {
3.     alert("You've touched a century");
4.     }
5.  else if (marks >= 80 && marks < 100)
6.     {
7.     alert("That's good");
8.     }
9.  else if (marks >= 60 && marks < 80)
10.   {
11.   alert("Above average performance");
12.   }
13.else if (marks > 50 && marks < 60)
14.   {
15.   alert("Average performance");
16.   }
18.   {
19.   alert("That's poor performance");
20.   }

What are the phases of the DoS attack? Explain each phase in detail.                             10 Marks

In programming, what is a loop?                                                            1 Marks

What is function identifier?                                                                    1 Marks

Why hub is used in networks?                                                   2 Marks

Write HTML format to include gif and jpg images in a web page.           2 Marks

How can we include images in a web page using HTML and Java script?           3 Marks

What is the difference between Internet and Intranet ?                           3 Marks

Briefly mention any three problems in old modes of presentation development    3 Marks

What is DNS? Briefly explain the working of DNS.                                                       5 Marks

What do you know about Development Team?                                                 5 Marks

Write down JavaScript functions that is equivalent to the following HTML code?                       10 Marks
HTML code
JavaScript function
<FONT size=18>

<FONT color=”blue”>

<PRE> … </PRE>

<A href=URL> …</A>

<BIG> … </BIG>


<SUB> … </SUB>

<SUP> … </SUP>

<B> … </B>

<I> … </I>

What are Commonsense Guidelines to avoid viruses? Discuss about Antivirus as well.                10 Marks

What is heuristic?                                                                      1marks

Why there is a need to use primary key in database ?    1marks

What is spreadsheet? List any two jobs that it can do.   2marks

What is the database?                                                               2marks

Explain how many ways businesses monitor their employees?    3marks

How can you define a consistent web design? Why is it needed?            3marks

Write down three advantages of using Functions in a program.   3marks

Why the quality of image in dithering scheme is not good?                      5marks

Can a human doctor be replaced by an Expert System? Give reasons to support your answer.               10marks

Write code for the following screen shot. The text field should not accept any other name except “CS101”. On wrong entry it should give you a message as soon as you leave the text box.                                                  10marks

What is an organization? How many teams can be in an organization? Write their names. (3+3+4)

What is pseudo code?                                                              1

In programming, what is an object ?                                          1

For what purposes FTP is used in networks ?                           2

What is the error in the following JavaScript statement? 2

student=new array(10);

What is the difference between Internet and Intranet ?   3

Elaborate with examples Raster graphics                                   3

What are Logic- or Time-Bombs ?                                           3

What are the key advantages of internet? Write any three.         5

What are the important properties, methods and event handlers of image object?           5

What is Data Integrity? How can we ensure it (any three ways) ? (4+6)

Define the following                                                      10
a.       Algorithm
b.      Heuristic
c.       Database
d.      Relational Database