Google+ COMPUTER TRICKS, TWEAKS AND TUTORIALS: Find The Roots Of A Quadratic Equation

Find The Roots Of A Quadratic Equation

Find The Roots Of A Quadratic Equation   #include <stdio.h>
   #include <conio.h>
   #include <math.h>
   void main()
     float a, b, c, d, realp, imgp, r1, r2;
     printf(" Enter the 3 numbers\n ");
     scanf(" %f %f %f " ,&a, &b, &c);
     if ( a == 0 || b == 0 || c == 0 )
       printf(" Error input only non zero numbers\n ");
       d = b * b - 4 * a * c;
       if ( d == 0 )
         printf(" Roots are equal\n ");
         r1 = r2 = - b / ( 2 * a );
         printf(" Root1 = %f, Root2 = %f ", r1, r2 );
       else if(d>0)
         printf( "Roots are real & distinct\n" );
         r1 = ( - b + sqrt ( fabs ( d ) ) ) / ( 2 * a );
         r2 = ( - b - sqrt ( fabs ( d ) ) ) / ( 2 * a );
         printf(" Root1 = %f, Root2 = %f", r1, r2);
         printf(" Roots are imaginary\n ");
         realp = - b / ( 2 * a );
         imgp = sqrt ( fabs ( d ) ) / ( 2 * a );
         printf(" Root1 = %f + i%f, Root2 = %f - i%f ",realp, imgp, realp, imgp);