Google+ COMPUTER TRICKS, TWEAKS AND TUTORIALS: CS601 Solved MCQS for the Final term Exam

CS601 Solved MCQS for the Final term Exam

1. ________ has a jitter zero

Ø  None of the given
Ø  Virtual Private Network
Ø  Isochronous Network
Ø  Asynchronous Network

2. Unlike Frame Relay and ATM, SMDS (Switched multi-megabit Data service) offers_______.
Ø  Connectionless service paradigm
Ø  Connection oriented service paradigm
Ø  Both Connectionless and Connection-oriented service paradigm
Ø  None of the given

3. ATM assigns each VC a _____________ identifier that is divided two parts to produce a hierarchy.
Ø  21-bit
Ø  22-bit
Ø  23-bit
Ø  24-bit

4. Most WAN systems include a mechanism that can be used to eliminate the common case of duplication routing is called___________
Ø  Hierarchal address
Ø  Default route
Ø  Shortest path
Ø  None of the given

5. The next hop to which a packet is sent depends only on
Ø  Packet’s destination
Ø  Packet’s original source
Ø  Path the packet has taken
Ø  Non of the given
6. An interface for twisted pair Ethernet must have a ____________ connector, and must generate signals according to the_____________ specification.
Ø  RJ-45, 10 Base T
Ø  RJ-45, 10 Base 5
Ø  BNC, 10 Base 2
Ø  BNC, 10 Base T

7. When an application_________data, it makes a copy of the data available to all other computers on the network.

Ø  Broadcasting
Ø  Multicasting
Ø  Unicasting
Ø  None of the given

8. A ______ provide a mechanism that a customer can use to set a physical address.

Ø  Static addressing scheme
Ø  Configurable addressing scheme
Ø  Dynamic addressing scheme
Ø  None of the given

9. FDDI can transmit data at a rate of _______________.

Ø  100 million bits per second
Ø  100 million bits per second
Ø  100 million bits per second
Ø  None of the given
10. Computers attached to an ether use _____ in which a computer waits for the ether to be idle before transmitting a frame.

Ø  None of the given
11. ______ has advantages arisen from the size and ease of computation.
Ø  Parity
Ø  Checksums
Ø  None of given

12. The term _____is used to denote the definition of a packet used with a specific type of network.
Ø  Packet
Ø  Frame
Ø  Data
Ø  None of the given

13._____ has no way to determine the cause of the problem.

Ø  Ping
Ø  Trace route
Ø  Non of the given

14. ______Program sends a message to a remote computer and reports whether the computer responds.
Ø  Ping
Ø  Traceroute
Ø  Non of the given

15. In ______ network occupies the smaller area like a room a floor or a building
Ø  None of the given

16. No error detection scheme is perfect because transmission errors can affect the additional information as well as the data.
Ø  False
Ø  True