CS507 – MF-2010 Long Questions

CS507 – MF-2010
Long Questions

What do we mean by cognitive process?                               2

What is the basic benefit of diagrammatic view of system?           2

What are the information requirements for Management level in Accounting & financial Information Systems.       3

What do you understand by ERD? Define briefly                 3

Assume that a multinational company is considering opening a branch in Pakistan. Identify typical activities that would be performed in each phase (intelligence, design, choice, and implementation) of the decision to open or not to open a branch 5

Discuss incremental Model with an example?                       5

What is the main objective of adopting CRM?                                   2

Identify the purpose of Feasibility study.                                            2

What are the main objectives of MRP (Materials Requirement Planning)?        3

Briefly describe Incremental Model.                                                                  3

Discuss any five benefits of Marketing IS?                                                     5

Discuss the second phase of spiral model along with the steps it involves.    5

What is the basic benefit of diagrammatic view of system?                       2

What is the main objective of adopting CRM?                                               2

Define basic goals of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) .           3

Identify different phases of Spiral model.                                                        3

What do you understand by System Development? Discuss                   5

Discuss benefits of MRP II?                                                                                5

List any two tools used to implement TQM.                                                    2

Define Technical Feasibility?                                                                             2

Define types of cognitive type of decision Making.                                      3

Designing file or database is a major component of system designing. Identify its basic purposes 3

Design of database involves scope and structure. Discuss briefly.5

The most popular type of intelligent systems is the Expert System. Briefly discuss Expert Systems.            5