Are You a Blogger?

What is a Blog?
Glad you asked!

You can get your very own for FREE by visiting:

# A short form for weblog, a personal journal published on the Web. Blogs frequently include philosophical reflections, opinions on the Internet and social issues, and provide a "log" of the author's favorite web links. Blogs are usually presented in journal style with a new entry each day.

# A public web site where users post informal journals of their thoughts, comments, and philosophies, updated frequently and normally reflecting the views of the blog's creator.

An online Journal.
# Blog is short for weblog. A weblog is a journal that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption. Blogs generally represent the personality of the author or the Web site.

# An online journal, published frequently (often daily). Readers can post comments on each journal entry.

Whether you enjoy writing about Travel, the Great Outdoors, Cooking and Grill or other Outdoors activities...we have a Blog for you!

Blogging has become a great way to get set up with a website of your very own, without the hassles.

Are You a Blogger?

What is a Blog?
Glad you asked!

You can get your very own for FREE by visiting:

# A short form for weblog, a personal journal published on the Web. Blogs frequently include philosophical reflections, opinions on the Internet and social issues, and provide a "log" of the author's favorite web links. Blogs are usually presented in journal style with a new entry each day.

# A public web site where users post informal journals of their thoughts, comments, and philosophies, updated frequently and normally reflecting the views of the blog's creator.

An online Journal.
# Blog is short for weblog. A weblog is a journal that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption. Blogs generally represent the personality of the author or the Web site.

# An online journal, published frequently (often daily). Readers can post comments on each journal entry.

Whether you enjoy writing about Travel, the Great Outdoors, Cooking and Grill or other Outdoors activities...we have a Blog for you!

Blogging has become a great way to get set up with a website of your very own, without the hassles.

Bad Blogs Have Got To Go, Blogging Could Be Really Cool If

There's a lot of blogs out there on the Web, most of which don't entice one to go back regularly to read updates. What is missing from these on-line journals that would essentially make them 'good' blogs? Well, the answers in life usually come down to simplicities. So let's look at the problem like we were children. Children don't complicate life with miscellaneous information, and when they speak they tell you straight to the point exactly how they feel and think about a subject.
First of all, we should ask the questions," Why do blogs exist? And what are they here for?" Well, in an ideal world 'good' blogs would help people connect, sharing knowledge and feelings about issues in life. As they are journals written by individuals we would hope that they'd be readable and open to comment by all other people, not just a select group of friends. The key is speaking in a way that is understandable by the masses, get rid of acronyms and local slang that only few will comprehend. Keep the sentences grammatically simple and generally short and concise.
Try to write in your blog as often as possible because if people enjoy reading your thoughts and ideas they'll want to communicate or at least be filled in regularly on 'your world'. Ask questions, comment on other blogs of similar content, start communities with others you've never met, based on your interests. Keep focused; if your blog is about thoughts on war and peace, keep your thoughts on the latest movie and how hungry you are for somewhere else. The idea is to incite intelligent communication so that in time our collective stockpile of knowledge and wisdom will gradually grow like a tree in fertile soil.
I think of most importance is the fact that you want this journal to be 'good' reading. Of course we all have ideas about what genres and styles we like, but writing from your heart and soul is imperative for the connection with others that you're looking for. Share yourself; don't hide behind walls of fear of ridicule and judgment. In real life relationships trust, respect, intimacy, and unity are all necessary for a bond to form. It's the same in the 'virtual' world; people want to hear from real people-not just one-sided, highly opinionated arguments from egos that don't want to hear the 'other side of the coin'.
Now, in my last article I really tore apart most writers out there, and here I'm giving some pretty complex ideas on how to fix the problem of 'bad' writing. In my next article I'll attempt to go back to the simple basics of how to write for beginners. I hope I haven't come across as too judgmental, I just truly believe the 'blog world' could become a real asset to humanity, and at the moment it's missing the mark.
Ideas about sentence structure, grammar, paragraphing, using a thesaurus (varying terms used so as not to sound repetitive), whether or not your blog is suitable for a personal or professional approach, are all important to creating a simple and enjoyable read for the blogging visitor. If you are a beginner, please check out my next article on the basics.
By Jesse S. Somer

A Person Is Known By the Blog He Keeps

Literature is the soul of the wit. The best source of literature can be now found in blogs. The growing trend of 'blogmania' is slowly sweeping the netizens. Every person aspires to have a blog as a platform to publish his thoughts and be heard and read.

General surveys undertaken on blogs and bloggers shows a rising trend in blogging. A parallel platform for literary endeavor, the blogs are overthrowing the traditional journalistic norms. Publishing of news and views no longer remains the privilege of an elite minority. Anybody and everybody is free to get in touch and explore the writer within himself. The anamorphic nature of the human soul is best reflected in the blogs.

A survey in the United States brought out a startling fact the 30% of the surveyed people read blogs. Also, 52% of the surveyed people advocate equal journalistic rights and freedom for the blogs. And the most striking fact is that 31% of the surveyed people revealed that they found blogs to be more credible than the newspapers.

A Blog Isn't Just For Christmas

I was watching the news on TV last night and there was a warning about buying puppies as Christmas presents. There's nothing worse than visiting the kennels in the new year and seeing all those unwanted dogs that were chosen as presents because they were so cute at the time. It reminded me of people who start a blog in the hope of making some money online only to give up after a few days or weeks when things don't work out.
The average blogger makes around $20 to $50 per month. So, if that is the average, it stands to reason that some people make less than that and some people make more. The amount of potential income that can be generated by blogging depends entirely upon your ability to build a loyal audience of people who have money to spend.
There is no point in creating a blog and then looking for an audience. Your first task is to identify a hungry market and provide it with high quality information. Once you have established your blog and created some interesting content, your next task is to attract your hungry audience to your blog. There are many ways of attracting traffic to a blog site including banner adverts, ezine advertising, pay per click traffic, links fro other web sites and submitting your site to the specialist blog search engines.
There are literally hundreds of blog sites that lay desolate and abandoned like an old frontier town with tumbleweeds blowing through on the breeze. Their owners failed to identify a hungry market, they failed to attract visitors or they simply gave up posting fresh new content to their blogs.
Blogs are dynamic web sites, they require time and attention. Search engines love them because they are frequently updated with fresh new content. People love them because they regularly provide new and interesting information. But you have to persist, just like any other business, online or offline, you have to work at building up your content, building up an audience of loyal readers and creating a portfolio of products and services that will appeal to your readers and generate some income.

There are many ways of generating income from your blog. Several people have created successful niche sites that offer product reviews including books, software, videos, DVDs and other popular products. Other bloggers earn their income from the sale of advertising space and yet others generate income through pay per click systems such as Google's Adsense programme.
There is now another way of building a profitable blog. A brand new hosted blog service - has married a fully featured blogging service with a two tier affiliate programme thus allowing you to build up a residual income from everyone who signs up through your referral. This provides a great opportunity to build up a regular income to supplement your regular blog profit.
So remember, to become a truly successful blogger you must take a long term view and seek to provide interesting content for a hungry market with money to spend. Don't expect to achieve profit overnight and plan to build a portfolio of income streams some of which have a residual element that will provide you will a recurring income.

40,000 new blogs are started daily - how your web hosting bu

The fact that an estimated 40,000 new blogs are being started daily should be of great interest to anybody already in the web hosting business or intending to go into it. Especially those planning to go into the business as affiliates or as resellers because this group of online entrepreneurs are in a very good position to cash in quickly on this amazing growth rate of blogs with hardly any investment necessary.
While it is true that a vast majority of blogs are hosted free, it is also true that many blogs are gaining high traffic so quickly that they are forced to quickly find paid web hosting as they exceed their allocated bandwidth.
The other fact to bear in mind is that virtually all successful bloggers own several blogs. This is significant because it is not easy to own several websites since lots of technical know-how and time are required to maintain a single website, let alone several. This is not the case with a blog that mainly requires content and very little technical knowledge to run very successfully. In terms of business volumes this simply means that a web hosting business that targets blogs is bound to grow a lot faster than the one that only seeks clients from the ranks of traditional websites.
The other significant factor in blogs that should be of great benefit to any web hosting business is the huge traffic that blogs seem to enjoy almost effortlessly.
All a web host entrepreneur needs to do, is to find a way to advertise their web hosting services to this blog traffic. There are several ways of doing this. You can for example look for acceptable ways of creating as many links from the blogs to your web hosting sites as possible. You can even start your very own blog on the subject. 

24 Tips and Strategies on How Everyone Can Blog Right andGet

By the end of 2004 blogs had established themselves as a key
part of online culture. "Blog readership shoots up 58% in
2004 6 million Americans get news and information fed to
them through RSS aggregators But 62% of online Americans do
not know what a blog is." - Pew Internet & American Life

Tip #1 - How and Where Should I Start?
You should begin your blog with a free blog hosting service
such as Blogger (, or other similar
free services such as, or The learning curve for using such free
services allow you to spend more on developing your content
rather than worrying about the advanced areas of scripting,
hosting, or programming.

Tip #2 - The Things You Should Decide to Write About
Although not a required prerequisite for you in order to
write a blog, it is highly recommended to try to find a
topic to write about based on your level of interest and
knowledge. The higher your level of interest, the easier it
is for you to get your quality content posted on your blog.
Always try to choose an area which you can enthusiastically
write about on a daily basis.Try to pay attention to a niche
which suites you well. A niche is basically a targeted
product, service, or topic.

13 Steps to Successful Blogging

Blogs can be a very marketable and very profitable tool if used correctly. Profiting from blogs is just a matter of grabbing the attention of an audience and not doing any actual salesmen selling. In this article you will learn the 13 most essential steps to successful blogging.

1) Where to start?

You should begin your blog with a free blog hosting service such as Journal Home or Blogger. Starting with a free blog hosting service allows you to begin blogging instantly without having any advance knowledge of scripts, hosting, or programming. It allows you to focus on your content and not the internal maintenance of the blog. The best benefit of starting with a free service is, in the case your blog doesn't become successful you do not lose any money or are you left holding the bill. The great thing about a blog is that they are organized in chronological order, your latest entry is displayed first. When your blog traffic grows greatly and you are ready to upgrade to your own domain then you can simply make your last blog entry the announcement of your "move". Simply add a last entry stating that your blog has "moved" and type the new blog URL address. Which directs visitors to your new blog site, keeping your following, without a major inconvenience to anyone. Upgrade as you need to...but only when you need to!

2) Niche

12 Reasons Why You Need A Blog

"Why Should I Blog? I Simply Don't Get It"

This post on a popular discussion forum set me thinking - and I came up with 12 reasons you should blog.

Read them and get started on your blog. Or better still, go get your blog up and running and THEN come back and read this :)

#1 - You Do Not Need To Know HTML

One of the biggest hurdles many hopeful website creators face is they don't know to design a webpage. Blogs overcome this - all you do is type into a box, and the blog software automatically converts it into a webpage and publishes it on the World Wide Web for anyone to see. 

#2 - You Are 'Forced' To Keep Your Content Fresh

Blogs are essentially online diaries. It doesn't make sense to write in your diary every month or two. Similarly, running a blog itself 'forces' you to update it often. And refreshing your blog often makes it more useful to readers and consumers - and by extension, to search engines who are in the business of presenting *their* clients with valuable resources.

#3 - Your Blog Is AUTOMATICALLY Optimized For Search Engines

Search engines love fresh content. But that's not the only way blogs are powerful tools to rank high. Indeed, most blogs are structured to offer a high degree of search engine optimization. 

All sections of your blog are linked together. The terms used as link 'anchors' are keyword-optimized. Categories can be created to host themed content. Navigating through your blog is intuitive. Archives can be customized, and generate hundreds of pages of content that act as 'search engine spider bait'.

#4 - You Get A Built-In Linking Structure

With very few exceptions, most blogs are structured to be a tightly integrated network of links - to other sections of your blog! It's quite easy for a visitor to get 'lost' within your blog... without ever leaving it.

Calendars link to posts on specific dates. 'Recent Post' listings point to your freshest content. Archives connect all your earlier posts. Search boxes let browsers look for certain kinds of content. And it all happens automatically, without you spending hours on creating a link structure or sitemap!

#5 - You Generate Multiple Content-Rich Pages

Every post you make on your blog is content. And by intelligently setting up your archiving preferences, you can turn each post into many different forms of content, each on a page of its own. Blog regularly for a few months, and you could end up having a 100+ page website - all filled with relevant, keyword-optimized, themed content!

10 Ways You Can Use Blogs RIGHT NOW

Now that you have got a basic understanding of the ins and outs of blogs, and some options available, you're probably wondering: How does this help my business? How does it help me to stand out?

1. Team Communication. Companies use blogs internally to communicate project status to stakeholders and managers. It beats clogging everybody's email with mass broadcasts. It allows these missives to be archived, indexed and easily searched.

2. Enrich Your Clients. You can easily link to articles and resources relevant to your readers and their needs. You can more easily attract experts to provide value-added content to your audience.

3. Get to Know Your Customer. Nobody buys from someone they don't know. Blogging allows you to demonstrate your expertise and point-of-view quickly and easily. In addition, blogs allow the customers to receive your updates in the format they choose.

4. Collaborate. You can create your own marketing buzz to drive attention and buyers to your products and services. Some companies use internal blogs to report on projects or to track work groups distributed around the world.

5. Research and Development. Weblogs are the perfect forum to test out new ideas and receive instant feedback. You can allow others to see how you develop your products and services, and at the same time, they can tell you how best to serve them.

6. Go Global. Blogs, like other online media, allow you to take your business and ideas to a global market. Translation services are getting better every day, allowing more people to read online content in different languages. I've helped bloggers from New York to New Zealand, from Indiana to India.

7. Hidden Entrance to the Press. Journalists are busier than ever and blogs provide a virtual directory of pundits on any topic. You and your company can be the content expert they're looking for. Furthermore, if your company is talked about in the blogosphere it could end up using that exposure as a back door to the press.

8. Get Published. Publishers are turning to blogs to find new writing talent. Blogs can give a publisher a taste of your writing style as well as a sample of your depth of knowledge. Content specific blogs show a a commitment to a certain topic or subject matter.

9. Write your book. Let your readers help you write your latest book or article. Post chapters or ideas, then let readers help you in researching, testing and suggesting ideas. Or, use a blog after your book is published to update the material or to answer questions from readers.

10. Success Stories. Invite clients to blog about their successes with your products and services - it's like a living testimonial that never ends. As clients share their experiences, your prospects can see first-hand how you can help them, too.

7 Tips for Successful Blogging

So, you have a blog! Do you have traffic? Do you know how to build traffic to your weblog? There are seven proven methods for building readership of your blog. They start with defining the purpose, or life, of your blog. Then, after you have a blog worth promoting, driving traffic is crucial to your ongoing success at blogging.

Here are seven tips to help you build and hold an audience for your blog:

Tip #1: Provide quality content. 

On the Internet, whether you are talking about websites or blogs, a lot of space is given to content. Everyone directs you to provide quality content. But, what is quality content? The quality of your blog's content is directly related to how well you have defined your ideal audience.

A successful blog is written with a distinct audience in mind. In this way, you can provide content that is unique to your audience's issues, needs, or desires. If you create content they like and wish to return to read, you have quality content.

The second issue is to stay true to your audience and tone of your blog. If people are reading your blog, it's because they like your topic and tone. Try not to stray from your typical topics and style too much. This will give your readers a reason to link back to your blog on an ongoing basis, as will posting on a regular basis. 

Tip #2: Blog regularly

If you don't update your blog often enough, blog readers will move on to other blogs. There are too many blogs out there competing for attention. Blog readers will go where they can get enough of what they want. 

Successful blogging takes a commitment of your time. When you begin blogging and wish to capture an audience, you should be prepared to blog every day. In this way, you can develop an audience who counts on you to help them begin or end their day. 

This means you should also try to post at the same time each day. Your readers will get accustomed to your schedule and check your blog at the appropriate time. The time of day is not as crucial as the consistency in your posting. 

Since you now have quality content and a regular posting schedule, it's time to drive traffic to your blog. Your readers will do a lot to promote your blog just by telling their friends. Don't count on this alone! You need to do some additional work.

When you post, make sure you set your blog to "ping" blog tracking sites every time you add a new post. Think of this as a means to get their attention. The ping says "Hey, we just added a new post". An alternative to automatically pinging from your blog is to use This is a one-stop place to automatically ping everyone you should notify of your new post and only takes a couple of minutes to accomplish.

Tip #3: Mention your blog wherever you can

Mention your blog's address in your email signature line, in forums where you post, on your business cards, on address labels and in conversations with anyone you meet. Use a tag line under your blog address to further entice them to visit. Mine reads:

Michele Schermerhorn
A sassy little marketing blog

Beyond just mentioning your blog in writing and conversation, you must actively participate in the blogging community too. 

Tip #4: Participate in the blogosphere

Get involved in other people's blogs. Visit blogs that interest you and are in line with the general topic of your blog. Then, leave thoughtful comments. Almost every comment option on someone else's blog will allow you to post your blog URL and your email address. Help other bloggers out with traffic and they will help you.

If a blogger really likes your site, they will add you to their blogroll. A blogroll is generally found on every blog which understands linking to the rest of the blogosphere helps drive traffic. A blogroll is a listing of other blogs. Think of it as a "recommended reading list". Don't be stingy with your blog roll either. Add those blogs that you read and enjoy to your blogroll too.

Tip #5: Think keywords when you post

Think about keywords with your use of titles, links and blog posts. Search engines, like Google and Yahoo, like keywords. The more targeted your keywords, the better the chances of your blog appearing in search results. Search results can drive that extra traffic you want. 

To increase the value of the key words in your content, make certain keywords are part of the hot link in your posts. Don't use "click here" as the hot link. You will be wasting valuable real estate in your post. Instead use the relevant keywords for the hot link, like "a great marketing idea. This gives the keywords added emphasis with the search engines.

One last thought on keywords for driving traffic; if you want a real leg up in the traffic game, in your linking code add rel="tag". This helps Technorati, a major blog resource, index your blog for their directory. But don't stop there! It's time to submit your blog to blog directories.

Tip #6: Submit your blog to blog directories

In addition to submitting your blog to the major search engines, make certain you submit the blog to exclusively blog directories like blogwise, blogcatalog, or bloghub. Many people find blogs through these online directories. 

When you do submit your blog to these directories, remember to add a description that will entice your targeted audience to check your blog out. For instance, when I post my blog in blog directories, under description I put "General musings, rants, advice and strategies from a battle-worn veteran of the Marketing Wars, online and off". Your description should help the potential reader understand your blogging topic and the flavor of how you write.

In addition to submitting your blog to blog directories, join a few of the free or inexpensive traffic exchange sites like blogexplosion or blogclicker.

Tip #7: Use free and inexpensive blog traffic exchange communities 

There are many sites which can be termed "traffic exchange" sites for the blogging community. It won't cost you anything to sign up. At the very least, join blogexplosion, blogclicker, and blogazoo. Once you sign up, you have two options to help drive traffic to your blog. Use both of them!

The first method is to earn credits (guaranteed visitors to your site) by using the "surf member sites" function. As you surf through those sites, you will be earning credits (visitors to your blog). When you find an interesting post, leave a comment as discussed above. When you find a blogger you like, add them to your blogroll and let them know you did. 

The second method to drive traffic is to purchase credits. The cost is very cheap for the traffic you will drive to your blog. The more traffic to your blog, the more customers you'll have. The more happy customers you have, the more they will tell others. The more they tell others, the more customers you get. Don't you love this dance!

In summary, blogging may not be for everyone. However, it can be a great method for bringing your unique perspective to the Internet. You will surely find others who think the same way you do. Some bloggers will entertain you, some will inform you, and some will drive you to tear your hair out. Decide what type of blogger you want to be and be the best you can. See you in the blogosphere!

About the Author
Michele Schermerhorn calls herself a "Corporate Freedom Fighter" dedicated to freeing cubicle prisoners. She has over 30 years experience in the business world. She is President of Online Business Institute Inc. (, authors a sassy marketing blog (, and regularly conducts free online seminars. Online Business Institute Inc. exists to "Create Successful Online Business Owners One Person At A Time".

7 Tips for Choosing the Right Blog Software for Your New Blo

Choosing the right blog software for your new blog requires that you ask yourself some questions and make a list of all of the features and tools you need as well as your budget. Once you have this information written down you will be prepared to start shopping for blog software. However, keep in mind the following seven tips for choosing the best software for you.

Tip #1 Ping Updates
These allow you to update your blog and are very important in blog software. Make sure the blog software you are interested in provides automatic ping updates.

Tip #2 Comments
Whatever blog software you choose, you'll want to make sure that it has an area for comments from visitors. This will help you understand what is successful in your blog and what is not, as well as guide you in future blogs. This is a really great tool and should be part of your blog software. 

Tip #3 Trackback
If you are discussing your blog on another blog, or simply adding information to another blog, trackback will allow you to update this information. This is a little confusing, but trackback allows you to talk on your blog about information on another blog and ping the writer of the other blog to let them know what is going on. Trackback is certainly a feature you want in your blog software.

Tip #4 Pingback
Pingback is similar to trackback, but it just sends a URL to the other blog to let them know you are talking about their blog on your blog. This is not used as much as trackback, but you will want a blog software that has at least one of these two functions.

No Text Icons

No Text Icons

If you would like your desktop Icons to have no text underneath then try this tweak:

Right click the icon and select "Rename"

Now hold the "Alt" key and type "255" and hit Enter

NOTE : It may only work with the keypad numbers and not the number keys on top of the keyboard.


Services You Can Disable

There are quite a few services you can disable from starting automatically.
This would be to speed up your boot time and free resources.
They are only suggestions so I suggestion you read the description of each one when you run Services
and that you turn them off one at a time.

Some possibilities are:
Application Management
Fast UserSwitching
Human Interface Devices
Indexing Service
Net Logon
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager
Remote Registry
Routing & Remote Access
SSDP Discovery Service
Universal Plug and Play Device Host
Web Client


Cleaning the Prefetch Directory

WindowsXP has a new feature called Prefetch. This keeps a shortcut to recently used programs.
However it can fill up with old and obsolete programs.

To clean this periodically go to:

Star / Run / Prefetch
Press Ctrl-A to highlight all the shorcuts
Delete them


Not Displaying Logon, Logoff, Startup and Shutdown Status Messages

To turn these off:

Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system
If it is not already there, create a DWORD value named DisableStatusMessages
Give it a value of 1

Clearing the Page File on Shutdown

Click on the Start button
Go to the Control Panel
Administrative Tools
Local Security Policy
Local Policies
Click on Security Options
Right hand menu - right click on "Shutdown: Clear Virtual Memory Pagefile"
Select "Enable"

For regedit users.....
If you want to clear the page file on each shutdown:

Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\ClearPageFileAtShutdown
Set the value to 1


No GUI Boot

If you don't need to see the XP boot logo,

Click on the BOOT.INI tab
Check the box for /NOGUIBOOT

Speeding the Startup of Some CD Burner Programs

If you use program other than the native WindowsXP CD Burner software,
you might be able to increase the speed that it loads.

Go to Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Services
Double-click on IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service
For the Startup Type, select Disabled
Click on the OK button and then close the Services window
If you dont You should notice


Getting Rid of Unread Email Messages

To remove the Unread Email message by user's login names:

Start Regedit
For a single user: Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UnreadMail
For all users: Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UnreadMail
Create a DWORD key called MessageExpiryDays
Give it a value of 0


Decreasing Boot Time

Microsoft has made available a program to analyze and decrease the time it takes to boot to WindowsXP
The program is called BootVis

Uncompress the file.
For a starting point, run Trace / Next Boot + Driver Delays
This will reboot your computer and provide a benchmark
After the reboot, BootVis will take a minute or two to show graphs of your system startup.
Note how much time it takes for your system to load (click on the red vertical line)
Then run Trace / Optimize System
Re-Run the Next Boot + Drive Delays
Note how much the time has decreased
Mine went from approximately 33 to 25 seconds.

Increasing Graphics Performance

By default, WindowsXP turns on a lot of shadows, fades, slides etc to menu items.
Most simply slow down their display.

To turn these off selectively:

Right click on the My Computer icon
Select Properties
Click on the Advanced tab
Under Performance, click on the Settings button
To turn them all of, select Adjust for best performance
My preference is to leave them all off except for Show shadows under mouse pointer and Show window contents while dragging


Increasing System Performance

If you have 512 megs or more of memory, you can increase system performance
by having the core system kept in memory.

Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\DisablePagingExecutive
Set the value to be 1
Reboot the computer


Increasing File System Caching

To increase the amount of memory Windows will locked for I/O operations:

Start Regedit
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management
Edit the key IoPageLockLimit

Linux Howto's

Installing Slackware Linux

Installing Slackware Linux

 Installing Slackware Linux    (Post #1)

Slackware Linux is one of the oldest Linux distributions remaining. Over the years, it has stayed true to its roots and form.

Here's what the author, Patrick Volkerding has to say about it.

The Slackware Philosophy

Since its first release in April of 1993, the Slackware Linux Project has aimed at producing the most "UNIX-like" Linux distribution out there. Slackware complies with the published Linux standards, such as the Linux File System Standard. We have always considered simplicity and stability paramount, and as a result Slackware has become one of the most popular, stable, and friendly distributions available.

What's this about "friendly"? You heard that Slackware was too damned hard, didn't you? If you are expecting cute graphical wizards and penguins automating every configuration step for you, that may be true. However, in essense, Slackware is one of the simplest distributions there is if you are proficient with a Linux system. If you aren't, a little perseverance with Slackware and you will be.

The reason it is easy for an experienced user is, first of all the init scripts and configuration files are easy to follow. They are generally well commented and it's easy to make changes using an ordinary text editor.

Not only that, you are getting the full, complete, standard releases of software in this distribution, installed in a sane manner. The way the developers intended. Therefore, when you go to install additional software not provided by the distribution vendor, you don't run into as many snags.

The packaging system in Slackware is quick, dirty and simple too. Slackware packages (.tgz files) are basically just tar.gz archives, that have install scripts that the packaging utilities execute. No dependency checking, which can be good or bad, depending on how you look at it. To me it's good, because I don't get annoyed by packages that won't install because of some brain dead mechanism that checks for things in specific places. The catch is, you need to be a bit careful installing system software.

Slackware also provides an excellent environment for building your own software from sources.

I could go on at length about why you should give Slackware an honest try but I'll let you follow this guide and see for yourself. We are going to be installing Slackware 9.1, which is the latest release at the time of writing.

Starting the Installation

First of all, if you intend to dual boot with Windows, take care of that first. If you're starting with a fresh hard disk, create a partition for Windows, and leave the rest unallocated (unpartitioned). Install Windows first.

Boot with the first disk in the Slackware CD set. (or the first CD that you created from the ISO files you downloaded).

If your computer is unable to boot from the CDROM for whatever reason, it is also possible to create a floppy boot disk set for the installation. Read the file README.TXT in the bootdisks directory on the Slackware CD, as well as the rootdisks directory. In Slackware 9.1, this directory is on the first CD.

Once you boot with the installation media, this is the first screen you will see:

Most people with plain IDE systems, can just hit enter here, to load the bare.i kernel image. The README.TXT in the bootdisks directory, describes the precompiled kernel images available on the Slackware CD. If you have SCSI disks, you must read that file, because adaptec.s, scsi.s, scsi2.s and scsi3.s each contain drivers for different SCSI controllers.

So press Enter to load bare.i, or type the name of the kernel image you wish to load (e.g. scsi.s)

The kernel will boot, and then you will be instructed to log on as root.

Just type root and hit enter. You will not be prompted for a password at this time.

Now we must partition the disk. This is probably the trickiest part of Slackware Setup, for there are no point and click partitioning utilities provided. We are going to use the Linux Fdisk utility. It seems scary at first, a bit alien, but it's very easy to operate and you're unlikely to make mistakes if you follow the steps correctly, and do not write the tables to disk until you're sure. I have never had a mishap with this program, and it has never damaged any existing (Windows) partition table entries on the disk.

What I did here was, I hooked up a new Western Digital 40 Gb hard disk for this install. I booted with the Windows XP CD and during setup, created an 8 Gb partition, formatted it NTFS and blasted a quick Windows XP install on there so we can have a dual boot. I left the rest of the disk unallocated.

Fdisk must be invoked with the device name of the hard disk you wish to partition. In this case, we're using the primary master hard disk, so we use the /dev/hda devicename. Here is how IDE disks are named:

/dev/hda - Primary Master
/dev/hdb - Primary Slave
/dev/hdc - Secondary Master
/dev/hdd - Secondary Slave

Note that these do not refer to partitions or filesystems, but the hard disk devices themselves. (/dev/hda1, /dev/hda2 and so on, is how partitions are addressed)

SCSI disks are named /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc and so on, according to which are first enumerated on the bus.

We need to type fdisk /dev/hda

Don't worry about the informational message about the number of cylinders. Unless you're installing a very old Linux distribution, the boot loader won't have a problem.

Now what? Press m to see a list of commands.

The first thing we want to do is press p to print (display) the partition table. We do this after every step, so we can see the results. Nothing is really changed, until we press w to write the partition table to disk.

There's our 8 Gb NTFS partition, /dev/hda1. The first partition on the disk, and in Windows terms, the active partition. It's going to stay that way.

The units (for Start and End) are in cylinders of 8225280 bytes. Just remember that each unit is rougly 8 megabytes (7.84 if you do the math). It's also displayed in blocks of rougly 1 kb. Don't worry about it, we will be specifying partition sizes in megabytes.

Now, how we partition depends greatly on personal preference. All you really need to install and run Linux is a root partition, and a swap partition. However, that's a fairly large chunk of disk and we can mount parts of the Linux filesystem on separate partitions.

This is basically how I would allocate this space, for use with Slackware. It's just the way I do things, you can choose other partitioning schemes and sizes. If disk space is tight, you should create only a root partition, and save some space for a swap partition. For example, if you have 4 Gb of space to allocate, create a 3.7 Gb root partition and use the rest for swap. That would be a half decent setup.

Using multiple partitions is a bit wasteful, because we have to allow room on each partition for growth. This may result in some disk space staying unused. Err on the side of caution, and allocate plenty of space.

This is what I would do for my own use:

1 Gb root partition (primary partition)
The root filesystem, contains system software and libraries, configuration data (/etc), local state data (/var) and all other filesystems are mounted under it.

Extended partition utilizing the rest of the disk
We then create logical drives on the extended partition.

1 Gb swap partition (logical drive)
Note that you probably don't need a swap partition that large but I like the extra insurance and I have plenty of space. It allows me to work on absolutely huge files, and provides extra memory addressing in the event of some sort of race condition. 256 Mb should probably be enough swap though, if disk space is tight.

8 Gb partition for /usr (logical drive)
Most all of your software and libraries get installed in /usr. It is useful to have a large partition for this.

2 Gb partition for /opt (logical drive)
"Optional" software can be installed here. For example, KDE will be installed to /opt/kde. I install some other software to /opt as well.

18 Gb (roughly) for /home (logical drive)
We use what is leftover, for /home. This is where the user directories are, and where users will store personal files. You may also install some software to /home if desired. I do, and I keep build directories there as well.

Now, we will start creating these partitions.

To create a new partition, press n

We are prompted to choose primary, or extended. We want to create a primary partition here. (though the root partition could be a logical partition on the extended)

Press p to create a primary partition.

We then have to give it a partition number. The Windows XP partition is already partition 1, so we have to choose 2

We are then prompted for the starting cylinder. We will be just hitting enter, to accept the default value. (the first available cylinder). We will be accepting the default starting cylinder for each partition we create. We will specify the ending cylinder, by specifying the size in megabytes. For the value of "last cylinder", we type +1024M to create a partition of roughly 1 gigabyte. Partitions have to end on a cylinder boundary (or waste sectors), and partitioning software automatically adjusts that.

Now, press p to display the partition tables, and you'll see what you've done so far. At this point, if you've made a mistake, simply press d and type the partition number that you want to delete (2 in this case... just don't touch partition 1 or you'll destroy Windows). Nothing has been written yet, you can just delete the partition you've created and repeat the last step. This is why we view the partition info at every step. If satisfied, proceed with the next step. At the command prompt, you can press q at any time to quit without writing anything to disk, if you've made a serious mistake and just want to start over.

Now we are going to create an extended partition, to act as a container for our logical drives.

Press n to create a new partition then press e to choose extended. Press 3 when prompted for the partition number and it will be designated as /dev/hda3. We will never be accessing this partition, just the logical drives we are going to create on it.

Note: How the partition numbers work is, partitions 1 to 4 are reserved for primary partitions. (the extended partition is considered a primary partition). It is an architectural limitation of PC BIOS partition tables, that only 4 primary partitions are allowed on a disk. You can have many logical drives though. Logical drives start being numbered at 5, in the Linux scheme.

Press enter when prompted for the first cylinder, to accept the default of the next available.

When prompted for the last cylinder, this time, simply press enter again. It will allocate the rest of the disk, ending at the last cylinder 4865.

Press p to display the partition tables.

Now we are going to create logical drives until we've used up the extended partition, starting with swap. I generally like to put swap in between the root partition and /usr.

You know the drill. Press n to create a new partition, but this time press l for logical. (In our case, we can't create any more primary partitions because we've already allocated the disk)

Note that we are not prompted to choose a partition number for a logical drive, as it will be assigned 5 as the first one.

Press enter to accept the default value of the first cylinder. For the last cylinder, I'll type +1024M to create a 1 Gb partition.

Press p to display the partition table, and note that our new partition is /dev/hda5. There will be no /dev/hda4, because there will be no more primary partitions on this disk.

Aside: Just so you understand how this works, let's say that when we created the extended partition, we didn't allocate the rest of the disk. We left some space unallocated. If we were to create a primary partition using that space now or some time in the future, it would become /dev/hda4.

OK, now, note the Id column in the display of the partition table. By default, when we create partitions they are of type 83, Linux Native.

We must change the partition type of the one we just created to 82, Linux Swap.

Press t to "change a partition's system id" and then press 5 when prompted for the partition number. (Following my partitioning scheme, that is. Use the correct number for your swap partition of course)

When prompted for the Hex Code (partition ID), if you were to press L, you would see a long list of possible partition types that the Linux fdisk utility is aware of.

Type 82 for Linux Swap, and hit enter. When you press p to display, you will see the change.

The rest of the partitions we'll create, will be the default type 83, Linux.

Press n to create a new partition. Choose l for logical. Press enter to accept the default first cylinder. For the last cylinder, type +8192M to create an 8 Gb partition for /usr.

Again, n for a new partition, and l for logical. Press enter for the first cylinder. For the last cylinder, type +2048M to create a 2 Gb partition for /opt.

Now, we'll allocate the last partition for /home.

When asked for the first and last cylinders, just press enter for both of those this time, as we're using up the extended partition.

If satisfied with your changes, press w to write the partition table to disk, and exit the Linux fdisk utility.

If you see a warning like that, restart the system (with the slackware CD). I am seeing that message, because I altered the partition tables on a live system (to get those screenshots easily), but I have seen similar warnings when writing the partition tables to disk if I've gone back and redone them after already writing. You should just see "Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table", and "Syncing Disks". You only need to reboot if there were warnings.

Note: I said I altered the partition tables on a live system. That means, the data on those partitions was effectively lost. The next reboot would have been oblivion. Not a problem because it was just a test install, and I planned to install the OS again (Slackware installs very quickly), but know that you can't adjust partitions on the fly, as the partitions must be formatted afterwards.

Take note of which partition devices you created to correspond with your mount points. You'll need to specify them, during setup.

Now we are ready to proceed with the Slackware installation.

Now that we have our Linux partitions created, at the root prompt we can type setup

This is the main setup menu. You can read the help if you like, but you can just skip down to ADDSWAP unless you need to remap your keyboard for some reason. Use the arrow keys to navigate, and enter to select.

It will detect your swap partition for you, format it (mkswap) and activate it (swapon)

Note: The hard disk devices in these screenshots are /dev/sda. Don't pay any attention to that, it's just because I took these screenshots from within a virtual machine. It emulates disks as scsi devices. Just know that's not the disk we partitioned in the examples above, so there's no confusion.

After completing a step, setup automatically takes you to the next step in sequence. Next, is to select the target partitions. Here is where we choose our root partition, and then choose mount points for the other partitions.

This is where we select our root partition (/). Following our partitioning example, that would be /dev/hda2.

Now it will prompt you to format the partition. I would choose to check for bad blocks while it's formatting.

Choose your desired filesystem. I like to use ext2 because it's a simple filesystem that's well matured, but you may want to choose ext3 to have a journaling filesystem.

Now it prompts to choose the inode density for the filesystem. Just hit enter to go with the default of 4096 unless you know what you are doing, and specifically why you want to do it.

If you just created a root partition and swap, you are done formatting now. If you created other partitions, they must now be selected, formatted and assigned mount points.

Swap doesn't show up in this list.

We are mounting this partition as /usr.

Continuing on, we are prompted to select, assign mount points and format the rest of our partitions in the same manner.

When finished, a summary is displayed

In the next step, you will be prompted to select the source media.

Hit enter to choose a Slackware CDROM, and it should detect it automatically.

In the next step, we are prompted to select package categories.

These govern which series of packages will be installed on the system. By default, all categories are selected except KDEI (KDE i18N internationalization). If you're just going to be using English/Western charsets you don't need to install KDEI.

For your first time installing Slackware, I recommend leaving all package categories enabled. You can just choose OK here.

Next, we are prompted to choose the "prompt mode", that is, the degree of interaction for installing packages.

Full, installs all packages in the categories you've selected, without prompting. This is what I recommend for your first Slackware install. Install everything, and you can easily remove packages you don't want later after you get a feel for things. I do know what I'm doing, but this is the option I normally use. It's just easier.

Newbie prompts for each package as they are being installed. I do not recommend this, as it is quite tedious. Also, you may not know what you want/need yet.

Menu is a bit better, as it lets you choose groups of related things.

Expert. If you know what you are doing, the expert prompt mode is an excellent way to choose exactly which packages you want installed on the system, prior to package installation. This really is good, it's not terribly confusing like similar package installation modes in other distributions.

The custom/tagfile options use tagfiles to automate a custom package selection. I've never used them. This would be handy if you were wanting to roll out the same installation on several machines though.

Choose full and watch the packages install non-interactively. It won't take very long, even on a relatively slow machine.

At some point during the package installation, you will be prompted to insert the second CD.

When the package installation stage completes, you are prompted to choose a kernel.

I recommend the CDROM option, and choosing the same kernel that you chose at the initial boot prompt when you booted with the Slackware CD. It got you this far.

Because I did these screenshots in a virtual machine that uses scsi emulation for the virtual disks, I had to choose scsi.s. On an IDE system, you probably either want bare.i or bareacpi.i (warning: acpi can cause boot problems if your BIOS implementation of ACPI doesn't jibe... this is why I recommend using the same kernel you chose at the initial boot prompt)

Next, you are prompted to create an emergency boot disk.

I highly recommend taking the time to create this disk, for it can be used to start the distribution if anything ever happens to your boot loader. You will be able to easily fix it, if you can start the system using this boot floppy.

You will now be prompted to create a symbolic link for your modem device.

If you have a modem, you can do that here. Saying "no modem" doesn't mean you can't use a modem, you can create the /dev/modem symbolic link later, or just use the appropriate device (e.g. /dev/ttyS1 for COM2)

Next, you will be prompted to enable the hotplug system. If you have such devices, say Yes, otherwise No is a good idea.

As you can see, it's possible for it to cause problems on some systems. Note the information on how to get out of the trap if it happens to you.

Now we are prompted to install the LILO bootloader.

You will most likely want to choose simple here. Choosing expert, will result in lilo not behaving as you expect and you'll have to manually edit the lilo.conf file (or run liloconfig from within the OS) to get the desired functionality back (e.g. it won't even prompt you to select an operating system). If you choose to skip the installation of lilo altogether, then you will only be able to boot into your Slackware system using the boot floppy that you created in the previous steps.

Next, you are prompted to choose the VGA (display) mode of your console, either standard VGA, or one of the VESA framebuffer display modes. The reason this is in the lilo configuration, is because the boot loader passes these parameters to the kernel on boot.

It is nice to have a framebuffer console for when you're not running XFree86, but if the framebuffer mode you've chosen doesn't work well with your display hardware, you could end up with an unusable display (until you fix it of course... you could boot with your boot floppy).

Consider choosing standard for now, to use standard VGA. You can change this parameter in your /etc/lilo.conf file later. If you're always going to be using the XFree86 GUI environment, it's not going to matter much anyways.

You are now prompted to enter any extra boot parameters, that lilo is to pass to the kernel.

He gives one very common example of why you might need to do this: If you have an IDE CD Writer. In the 2.4 kernel series, CD writing uses SCSI emulation and the kernel must know which drive is to use that mode, if both IDE-CD Support and IDE-SCSI support are to be loaded in the running kernel. The example of hdc, is for a secondary master. Use hdd if your writer is secondary slave.

Next, you are prompted to choose the destination for installing LILO. You will almost certainly want to choose MBR (unless you know what you are doing)

He says "possibly unsafe" because there are a few situations where writing to the master boot record is indeed unsafe. For example, if your bios doesn't support the capacity of the drive, and you have translation software installed (e.g. "MaxBlast" or "EZBios"). Another reason it could be unsafe is, if you are using another boot loader (e.g. System Commander, or Boot Magic). Also, before you ever write to the MBR (installing pretty much any OS), you must ensure that bios level MBR protection is disabled. (a.k.a boot virus protection, or "Trend ChipAway"). Installing LILO to the MBR, is the most common way that it is used and it is normally quite safe and can be used to start your Windows operating systems as well.

The "Root" option, to install LILO to the superblock of your root partition, is mainly useful if you intend to use another boot manager to invoke LILO.

Next, you are prompted to create a symbolic link for your mouse.

Even if you don't intend to use gpm, it's still useful to have a correct /dev/mouse symbolic link. This way you can just specify that device when you configure XFree86 after the OS is installed. I choose imps2 for my Logitech ps/2 wheel mouse.

I don't have much use for this (it's got nothing to do with using a mouse in the GUI), but if you wish to have mouse support at the console, you can load gpm at boot time.

At this point, you will be asked if you want to Configure your network. If you only have dial up networking, and don't even have a NIC, you can say No to that question for now, and you'll be prompted to configure your clock, timezone and set a root password. Alternatively you can proceed, and choose loopback. That is really what you should do, as then at least you'll set a hostname for the machine.

If you chose to configure your network now, the first thing you will be prompted for is a hostname. Enter something.

Now you'll be prompted to enter a domain name.

If you intend to participate as a member of a network that has a nameserver, you will want to enter your fully qualified domain name, ending in .com, .org, .edu or similar.

Otherwise just enter localdomain. In subsequent steps you can even remove that domain name. (That's what I do, for I don't really need to have one)

Next, you will be prompted to set up your computer's IP address.

If your network adapter connects to a cable modem, or a broadband router, or uses a PPPoE connection (PPP Over Ethernet... commonly used for ADSL Internet connections), then you probably want to choose DHCP to have your TCP/IP info automatically assigned.

If you choose DHCP, you will be prompted for a DHCP hostname. If you connect directly to a cable modem, you may need to specify your user ID here.

Otherwise, just leave it blank and hit enter.

Next, setup will prompt you to probe for your network adapter.

If it doesn't detect it, don't panic. It just means you'll have to figure out which kernel module your network adapter needs and configure the network later.

Ok, in this virtual machine, that's the virtual adapter it detects. It works. However, on the real Slackware installation, it doesn't automatically detect my D-Link 530TXS. Not a problem, because I know what kernel module it needs (sundance.o). That's something for later and we'll cover it then. It doesn't prevent us from configuring most of the network information though.

If you've chosen to use DHCP, a confirmation screen is what you'll see next. Your network configuration steps are completed.

Myself, I just configure my network statically, and I don't use the DHCP server on my router. So, if you choose Static IP instead of DHCP, this is how the configuration goes.

Enter your IP Address.

Enter your Subnet Mask

Enter your Default Gateway

Enter a Nameserver

Note: I'm just entering the IP address of my router here, it acts as a DNS proxy. The Primary and Secondary DNS servers of my ISP are entered in my router's WAN configuration. You will probably want to enter your ISP's Primary DNS server in this field, and then you can add more nameservers (e.g. the secondary) to your /etc/resolv.conf file later.

Now you will be prompted to confirm your network settings.

You can edit these settings from this dialog as well. For example, I want to remove the domain name "localdomain" altogether.

This concludes the network portion of setup.

After the network configuration, you will be prompted to configure your startup services.

Many of these are network server daemons, and if you are just using your computer as a workstation, you will want to leave most all of them disabled. You may want things like the CUPS print server.

Next, you will be prompted to configure your clock and timezone.

Next, you will be prompted to choose a default window manager, for when you start XFree86.

If you are new to Linux, select KDE for now, you can try some of the others later.

Now you're prompted to enter a root password.

Say Yes. You'll be prompted to type a root password twice, for confirmation.

Slackware setup is now complete. You will be prompted to exit setup and press ctrl-alt-del to reboot your machine.

After exiting, the CDROM tray will open, so you can remove the CD. You'll be back at the root prompt after that. Press ctrl-alt-del to restart the system, and boot Slackware for the first time!

When the system cycles, you'll be at the LILO boot prompt. This is still the virtual machine, but in the real installation on the IDE disk we partitioned, liloconfig didn't add my Windows boot choice to the lilo.conf file. So what I see is exactly the same. Probably because I used the NTFS filesystem. We'll be fixing that up soon, it's not difficult.

Hit enter to start Slackware Linux, and you'll be at the logon prompt. Type root as the username, and you will be prompted for the root password you set near the end of setup.

The first thing you should probably do, is create a user for yourself. You must not use the root user account for normal operation of the system. The Slackware adduser script makes this very easy, by interactively prompting you for information instead of making you supply it with switches on the command line.

Type adduser as root, and then you will be prompted to enter a username. Use lower case for the username.

For most of the prompts you will just want to hit enter to accept the defaults unless you have a specific reason. Let it default to the next available user ID, hit enter to use /bin/bash (unless you want to use another shell of course), accept the default home directory, and accept the default of no expiry date.

You may want to enter a "full name" (I like to pick something humorous). You will then be prompted to type the user's password twice for confirmation. A user can change his own password any time, using the passwd command.

The rest of the configuration steps can really be done in any order, according to what is most important to you. You may want to get the XFree86 GUI started first, so you can use GUI based text editors and such, if you're unfamiliar with working from the command line.

The first thing I'd want to do is get my network going (if it isn't already). The netconfig utility that ran during setup, could not probe for my network adapter. However, I know that it uses the sundance module. How did I know that? Well, when I first bought those NICs, I typed D-Link 530TXS Linux (the "S" is significant in the model number) into a search engine (Google) and found the tidbit I needed in mailing list archives and the like.

Now, during setup we configured our network with the exception of the driver module for the network adapter. That means, all we have to do is load the module, and start the network. Slackware's startup scripts look for a script file named rc.netdevice in the /etc/rc.d directory. This is where the system init scripts are located on Slackware system. (It uses the BSD style init script mechanism)

It is very easy to create this file from the command line. As root, type:

echo "/sbin/modprobe sundance" > /etc/rc.d/rc.netdevice

This will redirect the output of the echo command into the specified text file that will get created. The quotes are important, because there is a space in the string we are echoing. Use the correct module name for your network adapter, of course.

Now, set the file executable:

chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/rc.netdevice

That's it, on the next reboot your network should initialize.

Alternatively, to load a network adapter module, you could uncomment the appropriate module loading line (or add one) in the /etc/rc.d/rc.modules init script.

Now, I don't feel like rebooting at the moment, so I'm going to just type a few simple commands to start the network.

I'm loading the module, then using the ifconfig utility to specify the interface, IP address of the machine, and subnet mask, and then using the route command to specify my router as the gateway.

You probably will want to attempt to start the XFree86 GUI now. By default, Slackware is set up to use the VESA Framebuffer driver for your display hardware. The /etc/X11/XF86Config file is a copy of the file XF86Config-vesa in the same directory.

So if you type startx you may have a usable GUI if the settings are compatible with your display hardware. That will do in a pinch, but you will want to properly configure XFree86 and use the accelerated driver for your video card (which hopefully exists, otherwise you've got some generic options)

I put the XFree86 configuration for Slackware in a separate tutorial, which you can read here:

Configuring XFree86 in Slackware (Opens in new window)

Next, I want to get LILO straightened around, so I can boot that Windows XP installation. At this point I have no way of starting it.

As root, open the /etc/lilo.conf file with a text editor. I drew a box around the section that I added, to the bottom of the file.

Lines that start with # are comments, and are ignored.

This is called "chainloading". What we are doing, is instructing LILO to pass control over to whatever code is in the /dev/hda1 partition's boot sector. It does not have to know anything about the filesystem or the operating system on the partition. In this case, that's the code in the boot sector that finds ntldr; Windows XP's own boot loader. Any additional Windows operating systems that the Windows XP boot loader's boot.ini file is configured to start (e.g. Win9x) will be available from the ntldr menu as well.

What you will see in the LILO boot menu, is the label windows.

While you are editing lilo.conf, you probably will want to change the timeout to a more reasonable value. It defaults to 1200, which is 2 minutes. (The value is in 10ths of a second, so a value of 300 is 30 seconds)

After you are finished editing the lilo.conf file, you must run the lilo command (or /sbin/lilo if /sbin isn't in your path) to rewrite the changes, or they will have no effect.

As root, type lilo and you should see in the output that it has added both Linux and windows to the configuration.

I rebooted the machine, and I can start both Linux and windows.

If you ever want to access that NTFS filesystem from within Linux (read-only support for NTFS), you will have to load the ntfs kernel module, and mount the filesystem.

Create a mount point (an empty directory)

mkdir /mnt/windows

Load the kernel module.

modprobe ntfs

Mount the filesystem.

mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows

You access it from /mnt/windows.

Slackware 9.1 ships with the ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) system. I had never really used it before, beyond manually loading ALSA kernel drivers without having any of the utilities installed. It's considerably more complex than the older OSS (Open Sound System) drivers, requiring more kernel modules and module aliases to be set up in a modules.conf file. I thought I was going to really hate it, but when I saw how easy it was to configure, I had to re-evaluate that.

As root, type alsaconf and a curses based configuration utility will appear.

It probes for your sound card.

Offers to set up your modules.conf file for you.

Some nice informational messages.

That should be it, your audio should now work!

If that doesn't work for you, then it will be manual configuration. Check the Alsa Soundcard Matrix to see if your card is supported, and what module to use.

As for configuration, this is what you'll want to put in your /etc/modules.conf file. The lines should pretty much be the same for all sound cards, but what you must change is the driver module, which I have shown in bold.

# Stuff for the kernel module loader
alias char-major-116 snd
alias char-major-14 soundcore